Slopes along Belgian railroads reinforced with Legioblocks

Retaining walls

In the Belgian town of Quévy, close to the French border, Legioblock replaced and reinforced the railroad slopes within four weeks. The renovation of the track and embankments started in August 2021, for the safety and continuity of train traffic. It was expected that breaking up part of the railroad would make the slopes unstable. A quick solution had to be found in advance. The answer: Legioblock.

Challenges in installing concrete retaining walls

With experienced drivers, Jansen Legioblock transported about 6000 Legioblocks to Belgium and erected a concrete retaining wall. The execution of this project was very complex. All the work had to be done on the narrow strip between the railroad line and the embankments, under high voltage cables. Excavation and repair work for the construction of the 3.20 meter high Legioblock retaining wall took place simultaneously, whereby we had to place three blocks in direct succession. Thanks to tight planning, the completion date was met, so that the trains could start running again on time.


Extra attention to safety

In order to access the site with the trailers, our standard truck tractors were replaced on site by 4×4 tractors, whereby we reached the construction site with extra attention to safety and without damaging the (deactivated) high-voltage cables. The train tracks were partly used to transport the lego concrete blocks. A project that required a lot of effort, flexibility and expertise, which we look back on with pride.


Your partner in complex projects

Concrete Legioblocks are suitable for numerous applications. We think along with you from the beginning of the process and provide appropriate and timely advice. Do you have any questions? Please feel free to contact us.